Books In Space
Thu, Mar 11, 2021 10:10 pm
Books in Space was another group effort, consisting of the same two folks I worked with on the Drums in Space project (hence the play on the name). This project aimed to create a book library application for storing and managing books on a virtual shelf.
We used a pretty simple combination of Node.js, Express.js, Bootstrap, and PostgreSQL to build the application. As a team, we divided up responsibilities to develop features more rapidly. I worked on the front end, designing the overall layout, colors, and features, and then eventually helped build the routes and API endpoints we would use to store the books and retrieve them from the PostgreSQL database.
I want to revisit this project in the future. While we have completed all of the requirements for a passing grade on this project, there are still a few important pieces of the unfinished project due to time constraints. The first piece I would like to revisit is the login and authentication system. Some of the routes will also need cleaning up and front-end features that manage storing a book on the “shelf”.
All in all, this was a great learning experience as I felt more comfortable working with Express.js and the stack as a whole. I also learned how to organize and separate concerns between routes and controllers. I look forward to working with these technologies again, even if on a new project.
This blog post is part of a series of posts giving some background on a few projects that I’ve worked on during my courses at DigitalCrafts.